Ok! Here is what my new space looks like so far! I'm so excited about it! It's turning out perfectly! I got so lucky with the cabinets! I found them for a steal on a "yard sale" Facebook page for my town. I got them all for $200! My husband installed them all for me and then made the custom countertops! They're awesome. I have soooo much space for storage, cabinets are actually empty! I still have quite a bit of work to do, but it's at least functional for now! Yay! So, the first picture is my big work space! Most of everything I use on a daily basis is right here in the drawers and cabinets. I can take pics of how I've stored everything inside if ya'll would like to see.

The next pic, here of the window is where I'm going to keep all of my paper racks and my printer. The hubs is currently working on a way for me to "stack" the paper racks. What's on there now is a "prototype" as he likes to call it. So, hopefully he can get that worked out for me. I got the paper racks a while back ago when a friend of mine closed down her scrapbook store here in town. She sold them to me for super cheap! It was a great steal!
Over in this corner is where I will keep my new, fancy sewing machine that was my "out of the Army" gift from my husband. I absolutely love it! It's so easy to use and can do so many different things. I've only done a few things with it so far. I made the boys kilts and sashes for Halloween. They wanted to be "Braveheart" for Halloween. It was surprisingly easy.
With this pic, I simply wanted to just show the curtains a bit. I actually made these on my new machine the other day. I fell in love with the fabric that I found a Joann's for 50% off! It took me all of about 20 minutes! It was so much easier than I expected it to be and the machine made it go so fast!
Well, there ya go. That's my new space for now. I will post updated pics once I get more done, or when it is finished. Hopefully this week I can get some pics posted of some of the projects I've done recently.